Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment specifically designed to reduce submental fullness, also known as a double chin. It contains a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, Kybella works to destroy fat cells, leading to a noticeable reduction in the appearance of a
double chin. The treatment is non-surgical and typically involves a series of injections spaced several weeks apart. Kybella offers a
non-invasive option for individuals seeking to improve their facial profile and achieve a more defined jawline without the need for

Call the office at (918) 800-4434 to schedule an appointment, or book one online today!


  • Kybella includes a series of cosmetic injectables that reduce a double chin or excess fat pockets underneath your chin. Kybella destroys fat cells to give you the smoother, leaner contours you desire and help you look many years younger without pain, surgery, or downtime.

  • Kybella provides the benefits of reducing submental fullness, eliminating the appearance of a double chin, and enhancing jawline definition. This non-surgical treatment uses targeted injections to destroy fat cells permanently, offering long-lasting results. With customizable treatment options, Kybella improves facial aesthetics and boosts self-confidence, providing a more contoured and defined appearance without the need for invasive surgery.

  • Kybella may be the solution you’ve been seeking if you have a double chin that lingers, despite maintaining an ideal body weight. To know for sure, Barbara checks your vital signs, reviews your medical history, discusses your desired outcome, and lets you know what to expect during the injections. She personalizes each cosmetic treatment just for you.

  • During Kybella injections, you rest in a comfortable chair in a relaxing room. Barbara numbs the treatment area to ensure you avoid any discomfort. She uses a very tiny needle to gently inject Kybella substances just beneath the skin under your chin. The procedure is fast and takes just a few seconds for each injection, making it an excellent lunchtime procedure.

  • After Kybella injections, the treatment area is often a little red, tender, and swollen, but these side effects are temporary. You can ice the area if needed to maximize comfort. Over time as your body eliminates destroyed fat cells, you can expect improved contours and smoother, tighter, lifted skin under your chin.

    Barbara tailors each treatment to give you the best outcome. She may recommend a series of multiple Kybella injections spaced apart over time, along with periodic maintenance injections. She could combine Kybella with other cosmetic treatments to give you the younger-looking appearance you desire.

    To learn more about Kybella and find out if it’s the right treatment for you, call the FIRM Med Spa office, or book an appointment online today.

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